第十二章 每个人都有一套系统(1)
Everyone Has a System
If you had scrutinized the apparel of the gentleman sitting alongside my desk a number of years ago – the one trading his head off in beans – you would have noticed something distinctly curious. The guy always wore a brown necktie – which may not have been so unusual, but it was always the same brown necktie. Since he was otherwise elegantly dressed, you might well have asked, Why the same brown necktie every day?
His answer was simple: The brown necktie was his Soybean Trading System. His Soybean Trading System? Exactly so – and for a period of several months, this otherwise intelligent and perfectly rational gentleman, this corporate officer of a major drug company, was totally convinced that his Soybean Trading System actually worked.
The guy – let’s call him Marvin – had never actually traded commodities before, but at his club he overheard two “experienced traders” exchanging bullish gossip about soybean futures. That was all he needed to hear. The very next day, he walked up to the Merrill Lynch office where I was a freshman account executive, asked for a broker who knew how to read the commodity board (that turned out to be me), and opened his account. After I showed him how to read the grain prices on the big commodity board (these were the days before desk-top screens) plus some requisite logistics such as hours of trading, size of contracts, commissions, margins, and margin calls, he plunked down a check for $5,000 and plunged into 10M bushels (two contracts) of May soybean futures. But then, the most implausible and remarkable thing happened. He somehow lucked into the exact beginning of the renowned 1961 soybean bull market. We all watched incredulously as this total neophyte actually lurched from 10M to 225M beans (from 2 to 45 contracts) and from $10,000 to over $80,000 in equity.
And so it happened. The bean market had been limit down for three consecutive sessions (it was just a 10 cent limit back then). Marvin was losing $22,500 per day – probably half a year’s pay – and he was feeling the hot breath of the margin clerk breathing down his back. Then he appeared in our office sporting his good luck necktie. It had become his good luck necktie when he once came from behind to win a big bridge tournament while wearing it. As luck would have it (although you could never get him to concede it was due to luck), after having been locked limit-down since the opening, the market staged a prodigious rally in the final 15 minutes of the session. It soared from limit-down to unchanged to, would you believe, LIMIT-UP. That evening Marvin treated himself, good luck necktie and all, to his first limo ride, from our midtown office to his apartment in the Bronx. Needless to say, from that day forward, regardless of whatever else he wore, his good luck brown necktie invariably encircled his freely perspiring neck. A curious trading system to be sure, but he was absolutely convinced that it worked, and that’s what really counted for him. Regrettably, it stopped working shortly after his equity surpassed the $80,000 mark, but that’s a different story altogether.
What isn’t a different story is that we now live in an advanced, technological world, so that our trading systems can depend more on logic, mathematics, and computer programs than on good luck brown neckties.
At the forefront of this technology is the current crop of powerful microcomputers. In lightning speed, they can do studies and calculations that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago.
Everywhere I go and in just about every phone conversation and piece of correspondence, the focus seems to revolve around computer systems, software, on-line quotes, tick-by-tick charts, and so forth. The computer allows even the neophyte trader, after minimum hours studying the workings of the equipment and the operation of the software, to begin testing existing systems and to develop some of his own. He can combine interesting segments of different systems and try to come out with something that will fulfill his needs; that is, assist him in profiting from his trading activities – winning more on profitable positions, losing less on adverse ones.
So now, everyone has some sort of trading system. But was this always so? Here’s some commentary about speculation and trading systems that I came across recently:
The reader ought to thoroughly understand, however, that there is no royal road to speculation. Given all the conditions of the problem, and profits could be ciphered out with the accuracy of a mathematical demonstration. But the unknown quantities are the stumbling blocks of system mongers…Successful operators…cannot explain, even to themselves, yet they know when a stock is a good purchase, and when its price is running too high. None of them would allow that a system is possible, or could perfect their combinations, except by an unconscious use of this very impossibility.
How easy it would be to fill a book with these figures! The charts teem with them. There is not a stock… which does not indicate…alternations of hope and fear in wide percentages and with unbounded opportunities for speculators to buy with confidence of profit. Brokers tell us that about one in a hundred buy in this manner. The 99 mean to do so. They make their calculations, add up, subtract, wander hither and thither for points, try this system and that theory, are wise to the extent of their wisdom, and come forth from their ventures shorn of all their golden fleece.
Do these words sound familiar to you? Have you read it in some Wall Street book or in one of the market advisories? You may have read something similar to this but, as Alphonse Karr once said, “The more things change, the more they remain the same.” In fact, it’s not likely that you’ve read this particular Wall Street quote recently – it was written by James K. Medbury in 1870 (James K. Medbury, Men and Mysteries of Wall Street (Burlington, Fraser Publishing, 1870, reprint 1968).).
If traders were experimenting with systems back in the last century, they are more than ever doing it in the current one. In fact, it is probably true that just about every serious trader has, at one time or another, experimented with some type of trading system to improve the timing of trade entries, keep himself in a profitable position longer, or get out of a losing position sooner. All three of these objectives are important, and overall dollar success largely depends on the trader being able to pursue and attain these objectives.
The universal appeal of a good long-term, trend-following system is that positions are generally established in the direction of the trend reasonably near the onset of the move. A good system tends to keep you in the position so long as the market continues to move favorably and to stop you out, possibly reversing as well, when the trend reverses. The rub here lies in the phrase, “tends to keep you in the position” because, as all systems traders have discovered, it is frustratingly difficult to fine tune the market stops to stay aboard so long as the market is moving favorably, but (and this is the key “but”) to stop and possibly reverse at just the right moment. In the real world of tension-filled, white-knuckled trading, stop placement will be an imperfect art at best. The stop will either be too close – and you will keep getting whipsawed on minor technical corrections – or too far – and you end up taking whopping big losses or else giving back most of your paper profits when the trend reverses. The solution to the problem of fine tuning the stops is probably the toughest part of successful systems design and is clearly the area that receives the maximum focus in new research and studies.
Another major problem with trend-following systems is that, during periods of broad sideways price movement – and these are far more prevalent than established, dynamic trends – the system follower is invariably buying on rallies and selling on reactions. These whipsaw losses are an inevitable part of trend-following trading. The operator needs have the patience and financial stamina to sit through a succession of whipsaw losses while waiting for the big move that will provide the big profits. It takes considerable patience and discipline to stick with a system that is broadly whipsawing you in and out of positions. However, our experience has shown that, once you have embarked on a viable trend-following approach, you will do far better sticking with it and following it to the letter than trying to second-guess and “improve” it.
As trading systems go, the moving average approach is clearly the oldest and most basic of all methods. In its simplest form, a moving average (m.a.) is the sum of X consecutive closes divided by X. For example, you obtain a nine-day simple m.a. by adding the closing prices for the last nine days and dividing the sum by nine. Perhaps the most popular simple m.a. combinations are the 5- versus 20-day, and the 4- versus 9- versus 18-day.
The “versus” enters the picture because traders have discovered through years of trial, error, and testing that a “crossover” technique captures the maximum advantage of a moving average. There are, essentially, two ways to play these simple systems, and they can amaze traders by sometimes outperforming more complicated and elaborate ones. You can take trades when the closing price crosses your m.a. line; for example, using a 19-day approach, you would buy when the price closes above the 19-day m.a. and sell (possibly reversing as well) when the price closes below the 19-day m.a. This simple system, however, offers less flexibility than the second approach, which uses a dual cross over; for example, a 5-20-day crossover, where you buy when the short-term line (the 5-day) closes above the long-term line (20-day) and liquidate the long, and go short as well, when the 5-day line closes below the 20-day (In the 4-9-18-day strategy, you close longs when the 4-day closes below the 9-day, go short when the 9-day closes below the 18-day, and so forth.).
These basic strategies will surely get you aboard early in the trend, but you will just as surely encounter lots of premature moves coupled with whipsaw stop losses. However, the payoff arrives when the system gets you and keeps you in a position for an extended move.
Serious systems traders tend to get considerably more involved with moving averages. Some use so-called weighted moving averages, which give greater importance to recent than to older price action. For example, a 15-day weighted average might factor the most recent close at 15, the previous day at 14, and so forth, till you get to the oldest of the 15 days, which would be factored at 1. Then you would multiply the most recent close by its factor (15), the previous close by 14, and so forth, dividing the sum by the total of the factors, 120 in this case, in order to get the pertinent average. Other operators utilize exponentially smoothed averages, which incorporate a potentially infinite time span via more complex calculations. Such approaches clearly require the use of a sophisticated calculator or, as a more practical arrangement, a computer with customized software.
For any moving average system – regardless of its complexity – a critical question concerns the number of days in your average and whether it should be optimized (tailored) to each distinct commodity. In this regard, some of the best technical research has been done by technical analysts Frank Hochheimer and Dave Barker. Hochheimer tested a broad array of averages, from 3 to 70 days, on each of 13 different futures for the 1970-76 period. His results clearly indicated that there was no single “best” universal combination. His best simple moving average (closing price going through a moving average value), which projected best profits, looks like this:
Please note that these are hypothetical trades, done on the basis of an after-the-fact calculation. Real-time results are unlikely to show such profits. Also note the low ratio of profits to total trades, from .201 to .366 – typical of systems and formula trading. Hochheimer went on to test the best combinations of linearly weighted moving averages, exponentially smoothed moving averages, and finally simple versus exponentially smoothed versus linearly weighted moving averages. The results of this research have been published in the 1978 Commodity Year Book (Commodity Research Bureau, New York).
For those traders interested in going beyond the simple, closing price versus a single moving average crossover, the dual moving average crossover approach would be the next step. With this technique, you calculate both a short- and a long-term moving average, say an 8- and a 35-day average. You would buy when the 8-day crossed above the 35-day and sell when the reverse occurred. Here again, Hochheimer did some excellent research in the testing of optimum crossover periods, using 20 different commodities for the years 1970-79. Some of his optimum combinations are:
Another analyst who did some fine work in systems testing was Dave Barker, who tested the 5-and-20-day dual m.a. crossover system (without optimization) versus an optimized dual m.a. crossover system for the 1975-80 period. Not surprisingly, the optimized version consistently outperformed the straight 5-and-20-day version, and a partial list of Barker’s best combinations follows:
There are lots of other ways to use moving averages, some of them focusing on the momentum of the move. A London-based currency analyst of my acquaintance uses moving averages to both identify trends and to time trades. His overall focus is quite long-term, utilizing one-month (21-day) and three-month (63-day) averages in his technical work. As a start, he compares daily the price of the 21-day m.a. versus the price of the respective future 63 days ago, getting a sense of the momentum of the recent move. Then he examines the slope of the 63-day m.a., discerning a buy signal when the curve changes slope from down to up and a sell signal when the opposite occurs. Because this is quite a long-term approach, there are relatively few trades. This analyst told me that he made just five D-mark trades in 3.5 years and claimed that his overall results were profitable. I’ve spoken to other analysts as well, many of whom went beyond moving average crossover analysis, focused instead on the slope of the m.a. lines, and took their signals on the change in slope of their various lines. However, I have not seen any real-time results from these methods.