第八章 趋势是你的朋友

The Trend Is Your Friend

It was late July of 1980, and I had recently returned to New York from a five-year, mid-life, temporary retirement. After 16 years in the front-line trenches of trading, I needed the change of scenery and the relaxation as a way of recharging my batteries. Shortly after my return, I started receiving charts and market letters from an account executive at one of the major commission firms.This person and I had never met or corresponded, and I had the impression that mine was just another name on his cold-prospect mailing list. Nevertheless, he approached his task zealously, and my mailbox was kept full of his firm’s mailings and advisories. Although I never gave him much encouragement, he kept in touch over the years, occasionally sending a “special situation” report.


Several years elapsed, and he changed firms in the interim, but I still got a report from him once or twice a year. Incredible persistence! In the spring of 1986, I found myself on Wall Street with some time to spare between appointments and noticed that I was in the lobby of this gentleman’s office. So I took the elevator up, located my party, and introduced myself. It seemed strange, meeting him after six years of occasional correspondence. Following the requisite small talk, he asked for my account. I told him I wanted to see the pages recording his client’s trades (he could cover the names) before making any decision. He was taken aback at this request but nevertheless complied thinking, I suppose, that I probably couldn’t decipher the overall results in the cursory glance he allotted me. He was wrong.


In fact, I was able to decipher the results-and they were abysmal. Here was the living embodiment of the speculators’ laments that I write about so often. It seems this earnest gentleman did hardly anything right, and it didn’t take any kind of a genius to notice that. Small profits and lots of large losses, rather a preponderance of day trades or very short-term holdings, and this from a person who professed to be a long-term position trader. In reality, he was no different from scores of traders I had met over the years. He knew the rules and the buzzwords of successful operations, but something always seemed to happen between the time he put on the position and the time he delivered his winnings to the bank. In fact, I was almost annoyed by the constant repetition of what had to be his favorite saying (I must admit, I had never heard it before). “And remember, Mr. Kroll, the trend is your friend.” I recall wondering, since he wanted the trend to be my friend, why it wasn’t his friend as well. But, from my brief examination of his track record, I concluded that any “friendship” between this person and the trend was purely coincidental – or nonexistent.


As I was leaving, I asked if he would mind checking the day’s range in sugar. My technical studies told me that the trend had just flipped from down to up, signifying a possible reversal in the long-standing and pervasive bear trend that had taken this market down from 12.00 to under 3.00 over the past two years. “What’s the symbol for sugar?” he asked me, as he tried to punch in the code on his desktop quote display. “How should I know the symbol on your machine?” I replied. “Each quote system has its own symbols.” “Okay, just give me a second. I’ll ask someone for the symbol. Uh sorry, no one seems to remember the symbol for sugar. It’s been so long since anyone traded the stuff.”


The feeling started at that precise moment, I think, even before I took my leave and walked down the paneled corridor to the elevator. Granted, it was just a gut reaction, but I came away with the unmistakable message that, yes, we had seen the bottom in sugar. I felt as though some bearded and be-robed prophet had appeared to me in a vision, with the simple and inscrutable message, “Buy sugar, my son… buy sugar.” Perhaps this was the final confirmation of what my charts and computer studies had been saying since the 17th of July. Although I needed neither this unfortunate account executive nor my be-robed vision to help confirm my view of an important bull deal developing in sugar, I felt that they couldn’t hurt either. In fact, this person was precisely echoing the collective sentiments of the large body of public speculators who had been battered senseless (and penniless) trying to find the bottom over the past two years. Most of them would now undoubtedly miss the real bottom because they had either stopped looking or were “gun shy,” believing that sugar could never do anything but continue d-o-w-n (see Figure 8-1).


图8-1 1986年7月糖  (文字:糖的底部终于确认)

【Although most speculators would like the trend to be their friend, it is a tenuous friendship at best. When sugar finally made its bottom, during mid-July, few speculators caught the turn. They had been so battered over the past two years trying to pick the bottom in the solid market. The prevailing sentiment was one of near-permanent bearishness. The small number of clear-thinking technical traders who caught the trun had the field all to themselves.


Unlike the hapless majority of traders, the successful operator seeks to get aboard an existing trend – after the new trend has been confirmed by his objective technical indicators – and to remain with the position. For how long? How long is long term? Those are good questions, and, in truth, the answer cannot be dispensed in terms of numbers of weeks, months, or years. The only realistic answer is that the trader must stick with the position for as long as it continues going his way, or until the same technical indicators that signaled him to get aboard the position signal him to close out. Weeks, months, or even years?


Absolutely! I have watched successful position-oriented speculators patiently sit with positions for as long as two years, trading every so often to roll over from an expiring month into a more forward position. As an example, lots of savvy long-term operators caught the big short in soybeans when it first signaled on June 11, 1985-over 17 months. And the profit came to some $10,550 (after commissions) per contract. Was it difficult to catch the short? Was it difficult to pick the reversal point 17 months later? Not really, as both the sale and the reversal were signaled by some of the computer trend-following systems on those exact dates. Well, you might note, it can’t be as simple as that-there must be a catch. And you’re right, there is catch. The catch is that the trader must have and utilize a strong degree of patience and discipline in sticking with positions for as long as the market continues to move favorably or until the technical system he is using signals a flip. In fact, the majority of commission house traders who did catch the short soybean trade on June 11 covered shortly thereafter with just a small profit (see Figure 8-2).


图8-2 黄豆(近期货)长期周线  (文字:做空、平仓)

【Here is an example of an excellent trending position. Some of the computer trading programs signaled short sales on June 11, 1984, and remained short until December 17, 1985, when a new buy signal was generated. The profit on this short position, held for 17 months, exceeded $10,000 per contract. Only a minority of those who made the original sales stayed with the short position for the full move. Most of the original shorts grabbed a quick profit, missing the major portion of this veritable megamove. You didn’t have to be brilliant to have pulled this off-just patient and disciplined.


To a high degree, boredom and lack of discipline are the main impediments to successful long-term trading. It is only after an operator has learned to sit patiently with a profitable, with-the-trend position that he will have developed the potential to score significant profits. Unfortunately, and at a very high cost, the average speculator is most likely to display his patience and “sitting power” when he is holding an against-the-trend “losing” position-just the time when good strategy would mandate that he close the losing position to limit his losses.


I learned this lesson for the first time (because we keep relearning it, the longer we play the markets) back in 1960 as a young Merrill Lynch trainee on an orientation trip to Chicago. While spending the day on the floor of the Board of Trade, I wandered away from my group of fellow trainees and somehow “attached” myself to the ample coattails of Juliu Mayer. Mr. Mayer, it turned out, was the acknowledged dean, at the time, of the Chicago grain trade with more than 50 years experience both here and in Europe. I learned much from Mr. Mayer during this and subsequent visits to Chicago. But, most memorably, he taught me that commodity prices, irrespective of either real or perceived fundamentals, we tend to move in the direction of least resistance. This simple concept – and it really is simple, especially when contrasted with the proliferation of complicated and on-line computer programs on which so much technical analysis is based-must be thoroughly understood, both in theory and in application, by anyone who has serious expectations of garnering big money in futures trading.


So Mr. Mayer said that commodity prices will tend to move in the direction of least resistance, and he’s observed this phenomenon in over half a century of market involvement. Actually, it may not be a particularly profound observation. The electrician says that electric current will move in the direction of least resistance, and the engineer says that water will move in the direction of least resistance (have you ever seen water run uphill spontaneously?). If you’ve ever had the dubious experience of finding yourself on one of New York City’s subway platforms around the so-called rush hour, you’ll discover that human bodies also move in the direction of least resistance. What Mr. Mayer was describing with this brief statement was that commodity prices tend to move in the direction of the dominant force – as in, more buying than selling pressure (it moves north), and more selling than buying pressure (it moves south). This can be stated in terms of any time interval, from very short term to intermediate to long term. Furthermore, once a major trend develops, it tends to pick up momentum, increasing feeding on its own strength or weekness. In a major bull trend, as the reality of the market strength increasingly dawns on traders, both through their own technical analysis and the margin calls on short positions, their buying to cover shorts and reposition long will tend to overpower the sell orders in the market. Prices will follow the path of least resistance – they will advance. Likewise, during a major bear phase, as the market moves south, it will tend to gain momentum, accelerated by the capitulation of long traders who gradually, albeit reluctantly, dump their losing positions and possibly even take on shorts. And the longer the main body of bulls hang on to their percarious long positions in the face of a major bear market, the harder and farther the market it ultimately going to fall. Their eventual denouement is inevitable, and this is understood and anticipated by professional and trade shorts, who will continue to press the market everytime it appears vulnerable or they sense sell stops at lower levels.


The obvious question, then, is how can the speculator measure the dynamic forces underlying buying and selling pressure at any given time to provide him with a clue to the direction of least resistance? This may be the $64 million question of trend analysis – the Holy Grail for the technical trader. Perhaps the best work in this area to date has been published by Wilder in his New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems. His discussion of “directional movement” and “relative strength” are articulately presented in terms of both theory and practice and are complete with charts and actual examples. New Concepts serves as the best starting point for any technically oriented trader seeking to study both the theory and the application of the elusive albeit significant concepts involving market dynamics.


Nearly every speculator has, at one time or another, wondered how the big, successful operators are able to take on huge positions (hundreds or more contracts) and end up enormous winners. Meanwhile, the majority of speculators, holding just small positions, invariably seem to buy or sell at precisely the wrong time, paying dearly for the experience. The salient difference, and this bears contemplation, is that experienced, successful operators can usually decipher when a market is in a trending position (okay to take a with-the-trend position) and when it is in a broad sideways mode (stand aside or play a short-term counter-trend strategy).


I’ve found this to be the case with my own trading when, on two different occasions, I held about 350 copper contracts and 2 million bushels wheat. For the most part, I suffered far less than during other campaigns when I held far smaller (albeit counter-trend) positions. Haven't we all observed that when your position is in the direction of the trend and you are sitting on profits, you cannot have too large a position; but when you are struggling with a losing, countertrend position, even the smallest line is excessive. Admittedly, the operator who holds the large with-the-trend position position must still contend with recurring technical reactions. But these are to be expected, and he must have sufficient financial and emotional staying power to survive these shakeouts.


If the trend really is your friend-what is trading against the trend? How about this: Trading against the trend is like standing in from (financially speaking) of a speeding express train! So the next time you’re contemplating taking a position or you are in one and are considering either closing it out or possibly adding to it, remember the realistic choice you have: With-the-trend=your friend; against the trend=standing in front of a speeding express train! Which would you choose?



