第六章 当基本面分析和技术面分析矛盾时(2)

When Fundamental and Technical Analysis Diverge

For example, in the autumn of 1984, the Chicago grain markets seemed to be  in the process of breaking down from broad sideways trends into plain  old downtrends. All of the good long-term trend-following system had  flipped down, as had most objective chart techniques. This was  confirmed-as if further confirmation was needed – when the CRB Grain  Futures Index broke down through the 230.00 level (see Figure 6-2A).  Yet, the reality of this developing bear trend, so strongly entrenched  that it lasted nearly two more years, was generally obscured by a steady barrage of bullish stories and articles in the business press: poor  U.S. growing weather and its toll on crops, unprecedented Soviet grain  shortage leading to huge grain purchases in the world market, and  smaller Canadian crops. Such broad-based bullish news! So why were the  grain markets breaking down into a tenacious downtrend that would last  nearly two years? We experience a parallel situation in the metals  market commencing around mid-1984, where so many of the eminent market  projections, economic and political analyses, and brokerage  recommendations had predicted improving prices and had recommended the  long side of markets. Long side indeed! And, here again, the CRB  Precious Metal Index tells the self-same story (Figure 6-2B). Prices  poised on the brink of yet another down-leg-soon to be confirmed in the  market-during the relentless bear trends of the early 80s.


图6-2A 商品研究局谷物期货指数

【1984 was a year of confusion and ambivalence for the futures trader. The  news and recommendations were almost universally bullish, and  speculators bought into the first quarter rally on the assumption that  prices were starting to head north. In reality, this brief advance was  just a minor pause in the major bear trend that had gripped futures  market since 1983 and would continue through 1985-86. Only the  disciplined and pragmatic technical traders made money-and lots of it-on the short side of these markets.


图6-2B 贵金属指数

Digesting such a steady diet of bullish news couldn’t fail to give one a bullish  bias-but an objective and pragmatic reading of the various technical  factors showed clearly that we were in a bearish, or at best a  sideways-to-down situation. Successful speculators, with a disciplined and pragmatic approach to their trend  analysis and utilizing a viable trend-following strategy, would have  ignored all that pap and focused instead on a sound technical analysis. By so doing, they would have either scored some profits on the short side  or, at least, been kept away from the long side and its attendant red  ink.


The frequent divergence between what you read in your charts and system  printouts and what you read in the printed word or hear on TV seems to  provide a near-permanent feeling of ambivalence to most speculators. And this applies to projections of general conditions as well. Half of our  learned economists keep telling us that, if interest rates advance, we  will have a general bear market in commodity prices because higher  interest rates increase the cost of carrying inventory and encourage  trade firms to reduce and defer purchase of inventories. Also, with  higher interest rates, investors tend to put funds into higher-yielding  credit instruments rather than in risky futures positions. There surely  is logic in that argument. The rub though is that the other half of our  economists tells us that if interest rates decline, we will have a  general bear market because it would signify an overall reduction in  inflation, meaning falling commodity values; and besides, investors  wouldn’t look to buy commodities as an inflation hedge when they see  reduced inflation ahead.


We find the same type of ambivalence when analyzing currency markets, and  it is difficult for the trader or hedger to operate in currencies on the basis of fundamental expectation or market events. For example,  following weakness in currencies some time ago, the major New York  business daily noted, “The U.S. dollar surprised traders with a show of  strength yesterday that stemmed, in part, from the detention of a Polish labor leader.” The D-mark was weak, and that was attributed to the fact that the German banks are major creditors of Poland.


However, the yen happened to be up that day, so the article deftly labeled its  strength a result of the yen’s isolation from Europe. However, had the  yen declined or the D-mark advanced, you can be sure that appropriately  logical explanations would have been created and disseminated.


When I find myself becoming excessively confused or agitated by a plethora  of such obvious contradictions and contrived after-the-fact news  analyses, my response is to seclude myself for a detailed and pragmatic  examination of my short-and long-term charts as well as my other  technical indicators-seeking order from among the chaos. Such an interval is always best conducted in some seclusion, away from  interruptions and ringing phones, hovering colleagues, and anxious  glances. There seems to be a nice correlation between the tranquility of the session and the clarity and quality of the analysis. Where do I go  to get away? I sail off and anchor in some snug and tranquil harbor –  but a beach, a quiet park or backyard, or just a peaceful and deserted  room would do just as well.



