第五章 交易工具

The Tools of the Trade

A popular country and western song relates the pithy advice of a traveling gambler. Like Ecclesiastes, which tells us that “to all things there is a season,” the gambler reminds us that there’s a time to hold’em and a time to fold’em – and sometimes a time to get out of town fast! This down-home wisdom is well known and generally practiced by experienced operators because if they don’t practice it, they are soon known as former operators.


Over the years, I’ve been amazed at how naive many public speculators are concerning commodity trading. It is so easy to get into the market. In many instances, you just have to contact a broker, fill out some forms, and send along a check. Within a few days you can be swinging in and out of a big line of positions. Because you can trade on as little as 6 percent of the market value, a staring equity of just $10,000 can control a position of some $170,000. While it’s exciting to think about the vast profit potential, you must realize that an adverse move of, say, 3 percent could deplete your capital by as much as 50 percent and a 6 percent reversal could wipe out completely.


And isn’t it remarkable that the same person who may have trained and studied for years preparing for a particular career or profession may think nothing of plunging into the futures market? This is frequently done with little training or practical experience, on the basis of nothing more than a whim, a rumor, or a smattering of floor gossip. As a matter of fact, I have seen people spend more time and energy “researching” for the purchase of a camera or TV than for a purchase of a large grain or metal position. The annals of futures trading are littered with the financial remains of many well-intended, would-be speculators.


To continue the above analogy, the majority of novice traders, after a brief but generally expensive series of lessons on the pitfalls of inept and undisciplined speculation, reluctantly join the category of former speculators – sadder and poorer but regrettably not any wiser.



have always been a firm believer in thorough and organized preparation for every field of serious endeavor, be it surgery, sailing, speculation, or whatever. And granted, the person with a demanding, full-time career or profession certainly can’t devote full-time effort to studying and preparing for futures speculation. Nevertheless, he or she can find ways to help prepare for speculative market operations to improve the chances of success.


One of the most effective ways to prepare for your entry into futures speculation prior to risking real dollars – and I hold this to be a universal way to study or prepare for any new undertaking – is through a careful study of books dealing with the technique and methodology of futures trading. In addition, I’ve often found articles and features in the various financial magazines, as well as the daily and weekly business periodicals, to be helpful. However, I am referring to articles concerning market strategy or articles that focus on general economic or business conditions. I specifically exclude pieces that attempt to predict future prices or price trends because, even if the forecast were correct – and that is usually not the case – you still have to confront the problem of whether it has already been discounted in the market. As a matter of fact, there is an old Wall Street maxim, “Buy on the rumor and sell on the news.” This is just another way of saying that by the time the news is made public, it is invariably too late to take any action on it.


I can recall a situation several years ago when I had taken a big position on the long side of plywood for my clients and myself. Within a few days of my initial purchase, I had a visit from one of my larger discretionary accounts, a securities analyst for a major investment firm. He had just learned that I had put him into the plywood. Greatly agitated, he informed me that he recently attended a stockholders’ meeting at Georgia Pacific and had heard from one of the officers that they expected the plywood market to remain on the defensive for the balance of the year. As I was thinking of a diplomatic way of inviting him to stop telling me this irrelevant story, I watched in amazement as the pulled from his case the current issue of Time. It too offered a bearish analysis of wood and wood product prices. Being by nature a rather conservative investor (I wondered what was he doing in futures trading and why hadn’t he told me how conservative he was when he opened the account), he became a semi-basket case moments later. That occurred when I informed him that his plywood position was even bigger than he thought because I had closed out a nontrending grain position and had pyramided into more plywood.


It took a while to calm and relax him because, while he was an experienced and highly regarded securities analyst and a partner in a prominent investment firm, he had no previous exposure to futures trading. In the ensuing discussion, I made the following points: I didn’t care what the Georgia Pacific speaker said because (a) he was either uninformed about price trends in the wood market, or (b) he was informed but didn’t care to share his information with the public, or (c) he was correct, in which case the information had probably been already discounted in the market. In response to his query on why I had bought even more plywood, I told him that the strong market action position had confirmed the bull market, that it was the best acting position in our portfolio, and that, by this time, it showed good paper profits. Moreover, it is one of my strategies to pyramid onto the best performing positions while closing out the worst performing.


I was still in semi-shock from the events just mentioned, but the next day brought something that took my mind off the plywood market and the strange meeting with my client. As I walked down the dock to my mailbox, I wondered if the package had arrived yet. The publisher assured me it had been posted, but as of last evening it was still in transit. Today I was in luck, however, for there it was in the marina office. My pace quickened as I walked back to my boat, settled into a comfortable deck chair, and purposefully opened the wrapping. For the next few hours I was totally immersed in studying and taking copious notes.


What, you may wonder, was the object of this intense concentration? What could have so absorbed me for hours on a beautiful Saturday afternoon? Perhaps a favorite magazine or a long-awaited and sought-after book? The truth is, I spent those hours completely immersed in a large volume of contemporary nonfiction dealing with both national and international events and offering, to those who can read its secrets, important clues to the future. The future?


The title of this fascinating volume was, Ten-Year Weekly Range Charts, published by Commodity Perspective of Chicago (Commodity Perspective, 30 South Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60606). When combined with a judicious mixture of concentration, experience, and recall, plus an objective, disciplined approach to the markets, it can help unlock part of the key to profitable long-term trading and investing.


In my experience, the most fruitful approach for the nonfloor operator is long-term, trend-following position trading. Here, the trader eschews trying to predict tops and bottoms as a means of closing out (with-the-trend positions) and reversing (to against-the-trend positions). Chart pattern counts, including the 50 percent return rule can be used, but only as a general guide to likely areas of support or resistance, or to locate areas for pyramiding with-the-trend positions. Instead of trying to predict tops and bottoms, the trader seeks to identify major price trends. He wants to get aboard soon after the trend has been confirmed, on a minor trend reaction against the major trend, or on a significant breakthrough of support (for a short position) or resistance (for a long position) – but always in the direction of the ongoing major trend.


Admittedly, this type of long-term, trend-following trading is not the easiest or quickest way to make a living, but for those who are able to do it while managing to avoid getting killed in the between times, the results can be truly impressive – even running into telephone-number-size profits. In the mid-70s, for instance, my clients and I extracted a spectacular seven-figure profit from the wheat market by correctly identifying the long-term trend (up) and sticking with the position (from 3.60 to around 4.90 – pyramiding along the way) for the major position for the bull move (see Figure 5-1).


图5-1 1975年3月小麦市场(文字:买入、加仓、加仓、平掉整个仓位)

This was my final play before I closed my office, packed my bags, and took off for a five-year sabbatical. I commenced the bull deal around the 3.60 level and added to the long position twice: on the June breakout around the 3.85 level and again on the July reaction towards 4.40. I liquidated the entire position on the morning of December 9, 1974, on the failure of the rally. Bullish news that morning should have put the market up 3 to 4 cents. Instead, it opened 2 cents lower. When prices failed to advance following bullish news, I felt it was time to leave the party. Good thing too! Seven weeks later, the market was $1.00 lower.


But like any good craftsman we do need tools, and the particular tool in this discussion is a well-organized set of long-term continuation charts. The best set that I have seen is the aforementioned collection of Ten-Year Weekly Range Charts, published semiannually each spring and fall. First introduced in 1984, the set consists of a series of 30 12.5”×17” charts printed in heavy stock and spiral bound into a single desk-size volume. Each chart records 10 years for weekly close price activity. A periodic review of these long-term charts provides the operator with a distinctly advantageous viewpoint. The noise and clutter of the market place are deleted, and the major trends are clearly displayed for the astute and pragmatic analyst.


The futures trader also needs a good chart service, and, fortunately, there are several of them available. There exists in some quarters the mistaken belief that only technically oriented traders need a chart service, while fundamentalists do not. I take issue with that suggestion and feel that all operators, regardless of their trading orientation, should include a regular subscription to one of the chart services as an integral part of their analysis. These services provide far more than an alphabetized collection of daily charts. Typically, a service arrives fresh weekly with some 200 charts depicting daily high-low-last prices, volume and open interest, some form of moving averages, cash or cash-versus-futures prices, overseas markets, and a collection of straddle (spread) charts. Included with the chart service, at regular intervals, are long-term weekly and monthly continuation charts going as far back as 20 years (see Figures 5-2 and 5-3). And finally, of particular interest to many technical traders is an oscillator or trend-indicator tabulation, such as the excellent Computer Trend Analyzer and charts furnished in the weekly service by Commodity Research Bureau of New York. This is a powerful aid in identifying the significant underlying trend of each market, with reversal points noted both above and below the trading ranges.


图5-2 取暖油(近期期货)长期周线图,1981-1986

【These long-term weekly charts offer a much broader perspective than the daily charts and can be of great value to the technical trader in identifying and analyzing major market trends and support/resistance levels.


图5-3 横跨20年的黄金(近期期货)长期月线图

【Long-term monthly charts, when used in conjunction with weekly charts, can provide the technical trader with the clearest and most advantageous perspective for trend-following position trading.


Especially important for the fundamental analyst or anyone wishing to look beyond the strictest technical interpretation is the Commodity Year Book, published annually by Commodity Research Bureau. First published in 1939, this large volume is undoubtedly the most widely used commodity reference source. Besides offering extensive statistical tables and fundamental data on just about all worldwide commodities, the Year Book includes some excellent articles and practical features of interest to all serious traders.


And, last but not least, are the trading systems, predominantly data bank and computer-oriented, which have increasingly come to dominate trading and timing decisions in just about all aspects of futures speculation and hedging. These will be discussed in Chapter Twelve.



